Posted by: highmountainmuse | August 18, 2009

Have chicken… will travel.

Beka sent this photo of her travelin' companion from the road.  Updates to follow...

Beka sent this photo of her travelin' companion from the road. Updates to follow...

If anyone out there sees a gal driving across country with a chicken riding shotgun… that’s our Beka and Grill Chicken!

No kidding here, folks.  I’d like to know who else besides me would consider driving cross country with a chicken for a companion?  Now we know:  Beka!  The two gals hit the road yesterday, heading from Colorado to Washington.  (Hey, is it legal to cross state lines with a chicken?  Are they considered pet or livestock? I suppose if it’s just one, happily setting in a box on the passenger seat, nibbling snacks from the driver’s hands along the way…)

So, our sad news is that Beka is returning to complete her degree in Nutrition with her internship in Washington. Sad for us, that is.  Hopefully good and exciting and a great accomplishment for her. But a rather sore subject for me, as everyone who has had the pleasure of meeting her here this summer can easily figure, I’ll be missing her terribly.  She’s been far more than a helper.  More like a daughter or sister, and definitely a friend.

But… the good news is our darling sweet Grill Chicken will not have to spend a winter cursed to sleep out on the deck atop the cold metal grill.  Since she’s been exiled from the chicken coop and taken up residence on our back porch, I’ve been wondering what to do with her this winter.  Sleeping out there exposed like that, up here in our harsh winters, was not an option.  The boys told me having her in the house wasn’t an option either (though of course I beg to differ…).  But alas, the hen has a new home in Oregon, at Beka’s dear (and patient and tolerant and understanding…) family home!

Bon voyage, Beka and chicken.  Safe travels.

So, should anyone sees them on the road… send them a smile and a wave, and please help to take good care of our travelin’ girls!

Between you and me… I’d say that’s one lucky chicken.  And one gal who’s gonna miss these mountains and all the friends she has made here, two legged, four legged, and feathered…


  1. Having had chickens for pets it doesnt sound strange to me .I wish it was me on the way to Oregon . back to the ranch where i was raised .
    Its hard having friends go way but you are lucky having met them .I wish your friend a safe journey .She will be back to see you when her quest is over .

  2. Can’t wait to hear more about the adventures of Grill Chicken! What a lucky gal…or should I say What Lucky Gals. Good luck Beka and Grill Chicken!

  3. It’s me again. Just want you to know how much I enjoyed reading “Lessons Learned From A Little Stud Horse” on your High Mountain Horse Blog.

    I can only compare to my dogs since I don’t have horses or children but they do certainly all need leadership first. It’s not so easy at first because we look and them and realize what precious creatures they are and we are worried about being too firm but soon we find the right boundaries (which is a challenge in itself because each dog is different)

    Then comes the beautiful, trusting relationship that compares to nothing.

  4. Thanks, Karen. I have not had or taken time to write regularly on the horse blog this summer, but I’m happily amassing stories and such from our first hand experience to share as time allows… which will be before you know it. I should even get a chance to “interview” Floyd later this week…

    I agree with you, horses/children/dogs – I don’t mean to lump them all together, but the lessons we can learn from positive, fair and firm, steady and stable leadership, and the rewards we are blessed with by then having a solid, trusting, caring and loving relationship… these things are incomparable and invaluable. I am learning all the time, and hopefully will one day get it right… hopefully.

  5. Makes me wonder what the NAIS rules are for transporting her. Bet the forms would have to filed in triplicate and permission to cross all those state lines would take longer than a chicken’s lifespan. Can you imagine the reporting nightmare? Just make sure Grill Chicken stays “on the lamb”. LOL

  6. Good one, Sandy! You know it! Thanks for the chuckle!!!!

  7. Bad Sandy. Bad, bad. Just for that I’m dropping off my last surviving guinea hen at your house…

    I think Beka should keep a travel log – The Cross Country Adventures of a Gal and her Chicken!

  8. She’s been writing in and thinking it might be fun to take pictures of the chicken in all the funny places. You know, like in Starbucks…

  9. Guinea hen! Oh no! If I promise to repent will you have mercy? LOL

  10. Have you ever seen the video of Frank the Duck who rides with a trucker? Check this out
    Maybe Grill Chicken could be featured on a news spot like Frank. Perhaps get some sponsors and become really famous with her own show about where she’ll be today. Just some ideas. Oh my mind is clucking, I mean clicking, now.

  11. I love it Gin!!
    I just was able to sit down and check out the posts about me and Chicken!
    She is enjoying it here with us! Lots to explore! She has already met a lot of people, I need to get her to some new places too… 😉 like starbucks for sure!

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